Protect-A-Bed Blogher Scholarship ContestBy now, I’m sure everyone knows that I’m probably BlogHer‘s biggest (in more ways than one) fan.  I’m definitely going – I’m one of the mic jockeys! –  but money’s really, really, really tight and it would be wonderful to win my transportation to Chicago.  Protect-A-Bed is giving us all an opportunity to try and get some BlogHer moola, and I’m taking advantage of their generosity and entering their contest.  I think you should, too.

The directions said that we could write a poem if we wished, and that’s what I wished.

Be merciful.  Much appreciated.

BlogHer 09

It was many and many a month ago, in a kingdom not far from mine,

That a conference there lived, that you may know, as the fabulous BlogHer 09.

And this blogger she lived with no other thought

Than to go, which would be oh, so fine!

I have a blog, and they all have blogs,

In this kingdom not far from mine,

And we blogged with a love that was more than love,

I and my BlogHer 09;

With a love that the Twitters and Lijits and such

All supported both theirs and mine.

And this was the reason that, not long ago,

In this kingdom not far from mine,

A thought blew out of my head, inspiring

My beautiful BlogHer 09;

So that I opted to enter this match

And try hard to think of a line

That would be better far than all of the rest

Mine would win, and not one of thine.

Other bloggers, as happy as angels in Heaven

Were happy and made a beeline

Yes! All of them hurried (as all bloggers know,

In this kingdom not far from mine)

To meet me and Tweet me and say howdy-do,

Which is something just short of a sign!

For our love it is stronger by far than the love

Of those who blog nothing, and whine,

Or those for whom Kutcher’s divine,

And bloggers all know that that we’ll meet very soon

Via roadtrip, train, car and airline.

Naught can ever dissever our souls from the soul

Of the fabulous BlogHer 09.

For we Google all day and we think how to pay

For the beautiful BlogHer 09,

And we enter contests in great hopes one will rest

Any problems with BlogHer 09.

And so, all year long, granny panties or thong,

It’s our darling, our darling, our post and our song

In the kingdom not too far from me,

In the Tower, In Real Life, with me.

(. . . with apologies to Edgar Allen Poe)

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

Creative Commons License
Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.