Mamacita says:
Yesterday’s post was really clever, wasn’t it. It was funny and well-written and, well, juuuuust right. The more I go back and re-read that post, the more I like it. It just couldn’t be improved upon, it was that good.
I didn’t write it.
Scheiss Weekly’s April Fool’s Day post was written by Mrs. T, of Chucheria, and she’s a MUCH better writer than I am. Sigh. That’s why the post was so extra yummy good.
Those of you who read “teacher blogs” might have noticed a big April Fool’s Day switcheroo; many of us traded blogs for the day. This was thought up and coordinated by none other than Mister Teacher, of Learn Me Good, and he did a fabulous job. Good on you, Mister Teacher.
So, where is MY April Fool’s Day post? It’s over at Learn Me Good. Perhaps you were one of the readers who wondered why Mr. Teacher was blogging about a husband and kids? Well, that’s why.
MY husband. MY children.
Great job, Mr. Teacher. What next? Because, you know, the switcheroo was fun, and now I’m ready for another stunt.
As for YOU, Mrs. T, you’re a hard act to follow. Thank you for making my blog look so good yesterday. You rock. And Mr. Teacher rocks, too.
I thank you both.