Things I Haven't Done YetMamacita says:

1.  I haven’t picked the ten thousand pictures we’re going through, off the living room floor yet.  We’re still looking at them.  Plus, we’re expecting family to come down any day now and look through them with us.

2.  I haven’t sent out any “Thank you for your sympathy” cards yet, but I’ve got them all ready.  I am usually quite a stickler about thank -you cards, but I just can’t seem to get going on these.  No, online thanks will not do.  People who go out of their way for us, in any aspect of life, deserve something they can hold in their hands, even if they really couldn’t care less.  Why do I do it, then, if it doesn’t matter to them?  I do it because it matters to me.

3.  Whenever my children come down, I like to have a humongous peanut butter Rice Krispie treat awaiting them.  The peanut butter not only makes the treats tastier; it also turns them into breakfast really nutritious snacks.  Today was no exception; the treat was still warm when the kids arrived, and they took the leftovers back with them.  I do not put my peanut butter Rice Krispie treats in a pan, however.  I just spread them out on a big piece of waxed paper.  Why dirty a pan when the kids are just going to dive into that Rice Krispie treat like a couple of starving wild animals?  On a piece of waxed paper, it’s easier to tear off a hunk.  More fun, too.

4.  I haven’t put my midterm grades on Blackboard yet.  When I first tried, I couldn’t get in, and now I’m not motivated.  I’ll do it tomorrow.  I know my students want to know their standing, and I will let them know in the morning, by which I mean, around noon.  I’m on Spring Break now.

5.  I’m coming down with a terrible cold, but I haven’t actually come down with it yet.  I seldom actually come down with anything, but I occasionally try.  I think I’d feel better if I actually GOT something, rather than just be GETTING it.

6.  Those of you who have seen my bathroom know how classic and subdued it is.  I brought home some new wall art for it yesterday, but I haven’t put it up yet.  I’m not sure I know how.  Item:  the new wall art does not sing, dance, chirp,  or talk.  In fact, it’s kind of, well, ordinary.  Imagine.

7.  I haven’t stopped missing Michele Agnew yet.

8.  I still haven’t accepted the fact that last year’s BlogHer is over, even while I’m already counting down until this year’s BlogHer!  July isn’t all that far away, you know, and I’m going to be a Mic Jockey this summer!  To say that I absolutely CAN’T WAIT would be an understatement.  I love you, BlogHer!

9.  I haven’t run my sweeper for over a week.  How can I, with all those photographs spread out all over the floor?

10.  I h aven’t made Rice Krispie treats with real Rice Krispies in years.  Today’s batch was made with generic marshmallows and Kroger Crispy Rice, and NOBODY could tell the difference.  Why buy that expensive name brand stuff when the store brand is three dollars cheaper and tastes exactly the same?  (Item:  be persnickety about those store brands.  I’ve tried some that weren’t fit to eat, but most store brands seem to be pretty much exactly the same as the ritzy stuff.)  (Experiment!)

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.