andrerieuMamacita says:  Ravel’s Bolero has long been one of my favorites, and NOT just because it makes everybody who listens to it horny.  I mean, there are tons of other reasons as well.  Check out that conductor, for one thing; Andre Rieu is a hottie.

My daughter sent me this video.  It hardly seems appropriate, but thank you, dear Princess.

I once helped chaperone a high school band field trip, and the last piece the orchestra played was Bolero.  Let me just say that we had to drive all the way back home – a little over a hundred miles, after dark – with all the bus’s bright lights turned all the way up.  Even then, that trip was hard.  No pun intended.  Maybe. 

Enjoy.  And I mean that in the most innocent way possible.  Or not. 

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.