Mamacita says:  The new Carnival of Education is up, hosted by Mister Teacher over at Learn Me Good. I would hope that by now y’all know all about this guy!

Next week, the Carnival is hosted right here at Scheiss Weekly, so start submitting your posts. Already, I’m putting the Carnival together!

I can’t seem to shake the exhaustion.  Driving home from Bloomington last night, I actually pulled over to the shoulder for a few minutes to try and wake up more thoroughly; thankfully, I did make it home without driving off a cliff.  It’s just a few minutes past ten thirty as I type here, but I can hardly hold my eyes open and I can’t think of a thing to say that anybody would be interested in.  My apologies.  I need to go to Sleepy Town for a while.

Sleepy Town and Shamey Town:  two places I frequented as a child, and which my own children know well, too.

Perhaps if more parents were not afraid to send their children to Shamey Town, the world would be safer, cleaner, and a lot more fun. Part of our problem these days is that too few parents teach their children that there are some things we are SUPPOSED to be ashamed of.  Possibly this is because so many parents don’t feel shame for anything they do, either.

Sleepy Town, now, we all visit regularly.  I think perhaps visiting it even more often would be good for me.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

Creative Commons License
Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.