Mamacita says: When the elevator door opens, dear ones, don’t make a mad dash for it. Wait until the people who are already on there get off, before you try to enter. Don’t stand directly in front of the elevator door, either. Stand to the side, so people have room to exit the elevator. Don’t even START to move toward the open door until everybody is off; it’s pushy and rude.
That’s just basic etiquette, which apparently many people in my building don’t understand.
Seriously, I don’t get it. People crowd up close to the elevator and start pushing their way in before the doors are even completely open! This pushes the people who are already in there to the back, where they then must start pushing people aside in order to get OUT.
The world would be a better place if people would wait their turn and stop pushing. This applies to pretty much everything.
Oh, and the guy with the small dog who pushed his way into the elevator last night? Thanks so much for both the poop and the dander reaction. Next time, please hire a sitter for your animal; don’t bring it to school with you. Public buildings are not a proper place to bring a pet.
Besides, it might ruin the curve.