The thunder is rolling and the lightning is flashing and smart people everywhere are turning OFF their computers but please notice: I’m still writing at mine. I’m not really addicted to it; I can quit any time.
This Tuesday, my ten things are about things I hate find wanting.
1. I hate greatly dislike drivers who don’t use their turn signals, or who use them and let them continue to blink as they drive blithely down the road.
2. I loathe am somewhat put off by people who park in the handicapped spots when they have no license plate or hangar that gives them rightful permission to do so. I would LOVE to see every single one of these offenders ticketed and fined a fortune.
3. Litterbugs are disgusting. Period. No exceptions.
4. People who hold conversations in movie theaters: are such beings even human?
5. Anyone over the age of 12 who still writes in teenage cutesy code, ie texting symbols, when they’re not texting. Or when they are.
6. “Anyways” is not a real word. People who use it apparently don’t know any better, which is never a viable excuse for anything.
7. “Lose” and “loose” are not interchangeable. Please learn the difference and never choose the wrong word again. I’ve voted “no way” on scholarship applications before, based on spelling.
8. Yes, Virginia, capital letters ARE necessary at the proper times, and if you don’t use them you appear stupid.
9. I do not wish ill fortune or harm to anyone or anything, but someday, if WalMart should catch fire (God forbid) I want to see the fire trucks ram all the cars parked in the fire zone – yes, even those who are there “just for a minute” – clear across the parking lot into next week.
10. Fat people who wear short shirts. Why? Have they no regard or respect for those who have to see that? The horror! COVER IT UP!!!! NOW!!!! EWWWWWW! I think of them whenever I see cottage cheese, or the overhang from an ice cream cone. Not attractive. Ever. And why, for the love of God, do they always wear low-slung jeans, too? That is not a love handle; that is a fully-blown-up inner tube around their waist. People who have a fat flap should not let it ever see public light or air.
I might be in a mood. Why, does it show? Many apologies. I didn’t mean to loose my cool. anyways, U haf 2 cut me sm slack, 4 im tird – n – stff thse dayz.
P.S. Wassuuuup?