The weeks are flying by so quickly; I can’t believe August is nearly over!  I go back to school this Monday and I’m looking forward to it.  Confucius was right when he said, “Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”   I have two jobs, and I’m not sure which one I like better!  I teach, and I write.  I don’t think I could choose between them; it would be like choosing my favorite child!  Not possible!

Here we go:

1.  A book is somehow sacred.  A dictator can kill and maim people, can sink to any kind of tyranny and only be hated, but when books are burned the ultimate in tyranny has happened.  –John Steinbeck

2.  You cannot dream y ourself into a character; you must hammer and forge one for yourself.  –James Anthony Froude

3.  There is nothing so fatal to character as half-finished tasks.  –David Lloyd George

4.  . . . looked as if she had walked straight out of the ark.  –Sydney Smith

5.  Reading Christians are growing Christians.  When Christians cease to read, they cease to grow.  –John Wesley

6.  I have often thought what a melancholy world this would be without children, and what an inhuman world without the aged.  –S.T. Coleridge

7.  In the man whose childhood has known caresses and kindness, there is always a fibre of memory that can be touched to gentle issues.  –George Eliot

8.  If you haven’t grace, the Lord can give it to you.  If you haven’t learning, I’ll help you to get it.  But if you haven’t common sense,  neither I, nor the Lord, can give it to you.  –John Brown

9.  If we rightly estimate what we call good and evil, we shall find it lies much in comparison.  –John Locke

10.  What cannot be altered must be borne, not blamed.  –Thomas Fuller

11.  Do you regard your boss as an ass or an asset?  –Anon.

12.  Even cowards can endure hardships; only the brave can endure suspense.  –Mignon McLaughlin

13.  Beauty is only skin deep, but it’s a valuable asset if you’re poor and haven’t any sense.  –Kin Hubbard

14.  Whoever thinks of going to bed before 12:00 is a scoundrel.  –Samuel Johnson

15.  If you look around, and you give a damn, it makes you want to commit suicide.  –Edward Durell Stone

16.  It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.  –Confucius

17.  Every skunk that fights the ventilator thinks it is Don Quixote.  –Stanislaw J. Lee

18.  All sunshine makes the desert.  –Arabian proverb

19.  Men seldom, or rather never for a length of time, and deliberately, rebel against anything that does not deserve rebelling against.  –Thomas Carlyle

20.  When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing, he has one good reason for letting it alone.  –Sir Walter Scott

21.  Every mind has its dregs.  –Joseph Joubert

22.  Music is essentially useless, as life is.  –George Santayana

23.  Man sees your actions, but God your motives.  –Thomas a Kempe

24.  Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.  –Leonard Bernstein

25.  Memory feeds a culture, nourishes hope, and makes a human, human.  –Elie Wiesel

26.  No man who has once heartily and wholly laughed can be altogether irreclaimably bad.  –Thomas Carlyle

27.  No man will be fond of what forces him daily to feel himself inferior.  –Samuel Johnson

28.  Metaphysician:  A blind man in a dark room – looking for a black hat – which isn’t there.  –Charles Bowen

29.  When a fellow makes the same mistake twice he’s got to throw up both hands and own up to carelessness or cussedness.  –George Horace Lorimer

30.  Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does, the better.  –Andrea Gide

31.  Actions will be judged according to their intentions.  –Muhammad

32.  More important than the fact that a nation is judged by its art is the fact that a nation lives by its art, and the things men live by are more important than the things they live on.  –Allen Tucker

33.  Those who love art and are truly susceptible to its spell, do die young in the sense that they remain young to their dying day.  –Otto Herman Kahn

34.  It is very natural. . . for basketball coaches, like other insane people, to think they are somebody else.  –Doc Carlson

35.  The Bible is to us what the Star was to the wise men, but if we spend all our time in gazing upon it, observing its motions, and admiring its splendor, without being led to Christ by it, the use of it will be lsot to us.  –Thomas Adams

36.  Artists are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.  –Jonathan Miller

37.  Analysis kills spontaneity.  The grain once ground into flour germinates no more.  –Frederic Amiel

38.  Unasked advice is a trespass on sacred privacy.  –Henry S. Haskins

39.  Every tree and plant in the meadow seemed to be dancing, those which average eyes would see as fixed and still.  –Rumi

40.  He who is too much afraid of being duped has lost the power of being magnanimous.  –Frederic Amiel

41.  When it gets dark enough you can see the stars.  –Lee Salk

42.  Anger repressed can poison a relationship as surely as the cruelest words.  –Dr. Joyce Brothers

43.  A Bible and a newspaper in every house, a good school in every district – all studied and appreciated as they merit – are the principle support of virtue, morality, and civil liberty.  –Benjamin Franklin

44.  Aspire to inspire before we expire.  –Albert Clarke Jr.

45.  The worst men often give the best advice.  –Phillip James Bailey

46.  The power of applying attention, steady and undissipated, to a single object, is the sure mark of a superior genius.  –Phillip Dorner Stanhope, Lord Chesterfield.

47.  A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.  –John Barrymore

48.  Things don’t turn up in this world until somebody turns them up.  –James A. Garfield

49.  It takes a long time to become young.  –Picasso

50.  When we are out of sympathy with the young, then I think our work in this world is over.  –George McDonald

Hula Doula flew out from Colorado to visit me a few days ago and then she WENT BACK HOME!  Why did she leave me?  I miss her!!!!  It was so much fun having her here; she’s a wonderful guest.  Hula, please come back soon!  Bring everybody in your entire extended family!

My son is visiting for the weekend.  It’s so nice to have my baby here.  I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to the fact that my children are VISITING when they’re here.  This used to be their home, and now they have their own and mine is a place to visit.  Sigh.

And now I’m going to the kitchen to make a ham sandwich with the last of the ham before he discovers it.  Yes, I’m a good mommy.  🙂

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.