Rooney Ain't The Only One Sh, Sh, Shakin'

I didn’t need an alarm clock to wake me up this morning.

How coincidental that I lectured my students on the New Madrid Fault Line just last week, and emphasized to them for the five billionth time that nothing important exists only within the four walls of a classroom, after which a young man scoffed at this “useless information” and asked me, for the seventy-billionth time in my career, why he had to learn all this stupid stuff.

I just KNOW that his first thought this morning was “Holy Shit, we’re all going to die!” “Wow, my professor knew what she was talking about!”

We’re all okay here, and thank you all so much for asking. I appreciate your concern, and I hope all of you are okay, too.

P.S. The title? It’s a song; didn’t you know? “. . . it’s not normal, but what is normal. . . ?”


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