I've Done The Time Warp; Thanks For Asking, Though

Please remember that I am a sedate and typical old woman, and the following information may or may not be true. Probably it’s not, because sedate and typical old women never do such things, and are in fact appalled at the very notion.

It’s coming up Halloween, which means many things, one of which is that I have a giant bowl of Tootsie Roll Pops on my coffee table, and another which is that I am once again compelled to obsess over “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” I’d put the image here, but Blogger is being all poopy and won’t let me; I’ll try again later because I know you all want desperately to see a picture of Tim Curry in drag. Well, I do, anyway. Like many of us, he used to be really hot.

If only there were some way I could link to a picture. (Don’t look if you’re all prudey and pruney; fair warning.)

Years ago I might have participated in the midnight audience participation showings (plural) rumored to be held every Saturday night for several years, never missing a single one, but I’ve slept since then, not to mention the addition of about 80 pounds.

In short, the domestic’s costume no longer fits, in more ways than one.

I may have used decks of cards as frisbees; I really can’t remember that far back.

It might also be true that, long ago, I used to teach my study hall students to do the Time Warp, but then again, unless you were there, you’ll never know.

Memorize the entire movie? My goodness, that would be ridiculous for a woman my age! Why, I’m almost hyperventilating at the very thought! It’s not easy having a good time! Even smiling makes my face ache!

Rumors that I have a membership card in my wallet may or may not be true. I’m old; why would I do that, now really? And why would I own one of the few copies of the soundtrack from Shock Treatment? Or a Richard O’Brien cd?

And, I’m really glad that whoever-was-responsible-for-such-things finally wised up and put “Superheroes” back in the movie. I love that song. I couldn’t find the actual video of it, but this is singing by Susan Sarandon and Barry Bostwick, from the movie, even if it’s not the movie itself.

And for you Star Trek fans out there, I’ve included a second video, proving that you can’t escape from the Time Warp, even in outer space. I might add, one would probably be even more apt to encounter a time warp in outer space. Well, it seems logical to me.



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