Scattergories and Kwashiorkor and Kitten Bikinis, Oh My

I took my three kittens to the vet’s today to be scooped. Since it’s more complicated to neuter a female than a male (snip snip, you’re done!) I really thought all three girls would be taking it easy tonight, lying around sipping water and trying not to irritate the stitches.

Not so.

All three girls have bikini-shaped shaved areas and an inch or so of stitches, but to see them scamper and play, nobody would ever know that today was Fertility Cessation Day for them. I paid extra for pain medication, but they don’t seem to be in pain. They’re too busy scampering!

I’m glad they’re feeling so well, but I sure hope they don’t bust a move on those stitches. I took them in at 7:30 this morning and picked them up at 3:30 this afternoon, and while they were gone I really, really wanted to go back to bed scrubbed down the floor of the laundry room, messed with the flowers on the front porch (the deer keep eating them!) fixed spaghetti and meat balls for Zappa’s last meal at home (he officially moved into his new place tonight) did nine hundred thousand loads of laundry, and bagged up a bazillion pounds of poopy kitty litter.

Then, I took a shower, and while Hub was loading the pickup with one more load of furniture to take up to the new apartment, I escaped from it all and hung out with my Tumorless Sister and some dear, dear friends. We had dinner and then headed over to their house for some wild and scandalous drinking of diet coke and playing of Trivial Pursuit, 90’s version, and some killer Scattergories.

Item: I am not very knowledgeable about the nineties, apparently. However, I redeemed myself with Scattergories, although I did not win. Tumorless always wins. Nobody else has a chance, if she is playing.

However, I was the only person around the table who knew what “kwashiorkor” was. And when the assigned letter was “K,” don’t think I didn’t use it to my advantage.

I learned about kwashiorkor in seventh grade. The word was so funky, I have remembered it all my life.

Tomorrow, I’m meeting Tumorless and our mom for lunch. Tomorrow night, I plan to organize my files for the new semester.

One of those plans will definitely come to pass.

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