High Society in the Toolies

Hub was exhausted when he got home from school today, and I’m still exhausted from moving two kids from two apartments. So when he suggested Pizza Hut, I was all over it, even though Pizza Hut is far from a favorite with me. I once chipped a tooth because of a little pebble in the salad, and they charge extra for cheese with the breadsticks. But he likes it, so we went, and I was cool with it. Several of my former students are working there right now, and I love to see former students out there in the real world. . . you know, “working.” Mwahahahahahahaha. Being an adult is every bit as much fun as they expected it to be, right?

After we’d finished, he suggested that we go to WalMart; he had found a good deal there on the fancy calculators his calculus students need, and wanted to order some more for them.

So, we ate out, and we went to WalMart.

In this town, my dears, that’s a very social evening indeed.

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