Blowing Hot and Cold, and Blowing Them Out of the Sky

According to the digital thermometer in front of the Medical Center, it’s 108 degrees. I hadn’t really noticed; I haven’t had time to be hot.

Interpret that any way you wish; you’ll be correct. 🙁

I think I’ll get a big cup of crushed ice and section a few lemons into it. It’s the coldest thing EVER for weather like this.

And then I think I’ll watch Independence Day. I have no idea why; I’m just in the mood to see somebody kick some serious non-human ass. It’s been a long week, and I’ve got some serious dishpan hands.

I don’t do violent movies concerning people, but I do love me some funky out-of-this-world space opera wherein the good guys win. If the bad guys win, I won’t watch it. Or read it.

My nerves will not stand up under a lumber-truck ending. I’m a fragile and delicate flower. Movies with horrible endings traumatize me. Movies that are just plain horrifying all the way through traumatize me even more. I saw all three of these movies in the same week and I’ve never been the same. Some would call that a good thing. I call it Nightmare 101.

Now, I’m off to suck some lemons and blow some evil aliens out of the sky.

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