Floral Tribute to My Friend

Is there anything in this life as wonderful as good friends? I don’t think there is.

My friend Scott came over this afternoon, with his daughter and her boyfriend, and planted my flowers for me. It was 102 degrees and they didn’t stop until they’d filled the entire limestone planter.

Thank you, dear Scott and family. I love you.

He knew, you see, that it was really bothering me to see those flats of impatiens sitting there week after week, month after month (I bought them in the middle of MAY, for crying out loud) and he took the time out of his really busy life to come out here on the very hottest day of summer so far, and plant them. He did that for me.

I have never in my life ever let the flowers ‘go’ like that; I don’t know what is wrong with me. I always planted them pretty much the moment I got them home, and by this time of year, the flowers were mounded high and beautiful. This year. . . maybe for Halloween?

Now, when I look out my front windows I no longer have to listen to the little flowers crying mournfully, “Plant us, please plant us, don’t let us dieeeeeeee, help us, HELP US. . . . .”

Sometimes, I wish this family didn’t anthropomorphize everything quite so completely.

Anyway, thanks to Scott, I will eventually have pretty flowers right where they’re supposed to be.

Thank you, dear friend. I really appreciate you. You rock.

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