Harry Potter. No Spoilers.

I saw “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” tonight after class. It was good.

All of the Harry Potter movies are good. I watch them far more than a woman my age should want to watch them.

The new one is good. Too short, as are all the other Harry Potter movies, but good.

The books are wayyyyy better, though. Unbelievably way better.

Those Hollywood editors who eliminate things, and those Hollywood directors who condense the movies down because they don’t think anybody would want to sit through a six-hour movie? MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Analyzing my emotions on this subject quite professionally, I can truthfully say that I HATE YOU!

Would I sit through a six-hour Harry Potter movie, edited and produced and directed by smart people who didn’t leave anything out?

Oh HELLZyah!!!!

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