Another Mamacita, Who Isn't Joan or Me!

How odd to have Google Alerts email me with posts I didn’t write, and comments I never said, these past few weeks.

I finally checked it out, and discovered that there is another Mamacita besides Joan and me, and the various miscellaneous women who call themselves mamacitas as a kind of generic term.

Her blog is brand new, and when I get some time, I plan to check it out more thoroughly. It’s nothing like mine, or Joan’s, but neither of us owns the name “Mamacita,” so what can I say?

When you see that “Mamacita” has commented on your blog, however, be sure it’s me and not the newbie.

No offense, Newbie.

Hmm, have I been watching too many Scrubs episodes?

P.S. I’m not mad. I’m just surprised.

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