I've Never Done This Before.

I have such respect and liking for Fausta; I consider her a mentor and a role model. Fausta is a highly intelligent lady who is also a kind, thoughtful, and considerate person. I read her blog daily; it’s one of my “musts.” If I were ever able to populate my local neighborhood with my Blogosphere neighbors, Fausta is a friend I would want very near me. (I’ve got a list of others I want near me, too. You probably know who you are.)

Fausta has paid me a compliment the height and depth of which have overcome me. I am also scared clean out of my britches, and believe me, that ain’t a sight most people would care to see.

She has asked me to be on her next Blog Talk Radio Program with Siggy, another of my idols.

We’ll be talking about education, parenting, and, speaking of Fausta and Siggy, role models. There might be some leering involved; I’m making no promises. I will try not to snort or say “shit.” I hope I don’t belch. I will try to be interesting.

It’s this coming Monday, June 11, at 12:00 noon Eastern Time. Tune in and call in!

If you call in and ask me if I’m wearing britches, I’ll say “Yes,” but since you can’t see me you won’t really know if I am or not, now willya.

I am, of course, wearing them now. Maybe.

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