Money Talks and Paris Walks

I can’t blog tonight. I’m too emotional.

Paris Hilton is home at last.

That poor thing, thrust in jail with, with. . . . commoners.

Forced to eat, hot dogs period.

She just adores a penthouse view! Darling, she’s guilty, but give her Fifth Avenue.

After all, she’s not like us. When she drives drunk, you can’t expect her to pay the same penalties a normal person would have to pay. No, she’s not like us.

She’s far trashier than any of us. Think of the stupidest, trashiest, biggest waste-of-earth-space person you’ve ever seen or heard about in all the years of your life. Now take it down about two hundred levels.

There she is! It’s Paris Hilton!

Famous for being famous.

She can’t sing. She can’t dance. She can’t memorize lines and be in a play or show. She doesn’t do good works. She isn’t seen volunteering at shelters and agencies. She spends thousands of dollars for a hairstyle, and goes out in public looking like a herd of goats nuzzled her head. She can’t keep her knees together. She can’t hear video cameras humming. She wears clothing that looks like it was pulled out of a dumpster, and pays hundreds of thousands of dollars for it. She doesn’t even know that the sentient universe is laughing at her. She doesn’t know what “sentient” means. She thinks the French city was named after HER. She thinks she deserves to be above the law, above the rules.

Apparently, that last part is true. What a poor excuse for a judge.

All around us, people are dying; people are starving; people are hurting others, people are oppressing others, earthquakes are leaving people homeless, hurricanes are starting to move in, volcanoes are erupting, rivers are overflowing, children are being sold into slavery, women are tortured and disfigured and raped, homes are being robbed, computers are being hacked, people are telling lies, schools are overcome with mold and rust, babies are being abandoned, men are walking out on their wives and children. . . . but most people only know for sure that Paris Hilton walks free.

What has happened to us as a people, as a society, as the human race, that someone something like Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan or Angelina Jolie will grab the newspaper’s headlines and the people’s attention, and a hungry, bleeding little child is ignored?

There are websites devoted to these moronic nothings. People sign petitions demanding Paris’s release from prison! People think Lindsay is a ROLE MODEL for our teens! The fact that Angelina is an adultress with a love child and someone else’s husband (at first) is ignored, and she’s touted as a hero! My GOD, how did we sink so low?

No, I don’t have any ideas tonight. I’m too emotional.

I do have this to say: Medical condition my ass.

Update: She’s back in jail. That poor thing.

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