Who Would Buy From This Guy?

From my friend Doug comes this little gem from Ebay; when you get to the Ebay site, check out listing #330124662011. Look fast; the listing only has a few more hours to go.

Please try not to scream too loudly. I know I probably disturbed you, woke up your babies, and made your dogs howl when Doug first sent me to look at this listing, and I’m really sorry about that. I’m still on vacation and it’s been a few weeks since I’ve seen writing this bad.

I think I’ve had this guy’s kids in class.

There are more people teetering on the firly brinkmire than I had supposed.

If Doug hasn’t updated his blog when you click on over there, let’s all tease him. I mean, Doug, REALLY? Not since JANUARY? Don’t make me have to go to school and change your permanent record, now.

I am speaking of “teasing” in the friendly-but-firm manner of kindly, mutual fun. NOT the other kind. And not that kind, either.

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