Basium Nex

I have my own computer back now and it’s such a relief. There’s always a catch, though. . . . it’s been wiped clean, and my Microsoft Word code no longer works (the year “2003” probably means something) so all of my Word files are useless until I figure out what to do. There are several options, of course. I think the smartest thing for me right now is to wait until my extremely intelligent son comes down this weekend and perhaps if I bribe coax him with food, he’ll give my computer a thorough once-over.

Seriously, I hold the patent/copyright/all possible rights to the Kiss of Death. Not for people, so come back here right now! For anything mechanical or electronic, and for restaurants, shops, bands, and entire strip malls.

Once Karma finds out that I like/love/frequent anything, it’s as good as gone. I’ve personally wiped out dozens of restaurants and small shops, and any band liked by me goes immediately on hiatus, never to be together on a stage again.

I did realize that having the Parental Controls on high was slowing me down. That’s gone now, so I can surf porn wholesome family and educational websites freely now.

And Scotty dear, I promise not to inflict my technopoison on YOUR computer. When do we have supper? So far I haven’t shut down Grecco’s yet. Call me. Tomorrow’s good, but I have a dental appointment on Friday morning.

I’m still up.

Two more weeks of vacation before I go back to school. Will I ever get used to NOT having a pile of essays that need to be graded? No, I don’t think I ever will.

And that small fact makes me so happy. . . .

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