I'm Baaaaaaaack

I’m back. Did anybody miss me?

I had a lovely visit with my brother and his family. We really didn’t “do” anything, but sometimes that is the best kind of visit. Mostly, I just lived in their house with them and did what they did on a daily basis. I went to the Scholastic Book Fair with my sister-in-law a few times and pitched in, and I cooked for the family. One of my nephews was in a band concert. French horn. I went with my brother to one of his jam sessions. Bass. I loved it. I loved the entire week.

More and more I think that I was meant to be Mrs. Bridges, or Mrs. Fairfax, or some old fat housekeeper/cook for a big quirky family. I would rule the downstairs and the gentry upstairs would cater to me in every possible way rather than lose me to another family.

If I ever see anything like that advertised in the classifieds, I’m applying. I’m not going to hold my breath but you never know. Somewhere out there, a big family with a big house needs someone to cook for them, and that is what I love to do more than anything else.

I could still be an English professor and a pro-blogger. And an astronomer, a poet, an educational critic, and a ballerina on the side.

Oh, and if the house ever needs a new roof? I can do that, too.

In the meantime, I’m on vacation for another couple of weeks, and tomorrow I’m going to start on the lawn. The riding mower is on the fritz and I can’t handle our huge tractor, so I’m hoping the push-mower will start.

I can certainly use the exercise. I look like Mrs. Jabba the Hutt.

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