I'll Be Back In A Week.

I’m out of state for a week and blogging will be sporadic if it happens at all. I miss everyone in the Blogosphere already, but it’s always lovely to visit my only favorite brother and his family, and their home nestled in the mountains is absolutely beautiful. My two nephews, who are both taller than I am now (when and how did THAT happen, I need to know!) are fantastically creative and interesting young men, and my sister-in-law is one of my very favorite people in the world.

The flight out here was fun, too. I can’t imagine ever getting too old to love me some adventure.

Gorgeous weather, great people, a big affectionate kitty-cat to love on, a big kitchen to play in. . . . the week has begun well.

Some day I will have a laptop and when that day comes, there will be no gaps at all in my blogging. Okay, well, the thought makes ME happy. 🙂

Have a great week, everyone.

P.S. I’m in Idaho. Any bloggers here?

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