April Perfect Post Award: California Teacher Guy

The Original Perfect Post Awards – April 2007

I’m giving the Perfect Post Award to California Teacher Guy this month, because his blog is one of the most inspirational and poetic ‘teacher’ blogs in the blogosphere today. I might go so far as to say, his blog is literature.

I also agree with him most of the time, not that that would have anything to do with it. 🙂

The nominated post is called “Saying Yes to the Holy,” and it is not only absolutely and 100% correct in every way, it is also beautiful. While you are there, be sure to read as many of his other posts as you can, too. Actually, once you start, you won’t be able to stop until you do.

Thank you, California Teacher Guy, for reminding me what teaching is supposed to be about, and for making me nicer every day. Heaven knows I need all the help I can get.

Thanks also to MommaK and Suburban Turmoil for being the masterminds behind the Perfect Post Awards. Way to go, ladies! Your great idea has taken off like gangbusters, and it (and YOU) are wonderful reminders that there are lovely people all over the Blogosphere.

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