You No Foola Me. There Ain't No Sanity Clause.

Has anybody else noticed that my blog’s name seems to be missing from the top of the page? I do not have sufficient smarts to be able to tinker intelligently with my template, so I can’t fix it. I don’t know where it is. I hope I didn’t offend it and make it run away, but really, how would I offend something named ‘scheiss?’

In case anyone was wondering, though, you’re reading “Scheiss Weekly.” It’s my blog. It’s three years old this month. Please, have a piece of chocolate cake in its honor. Have two.

I’ve been blogging for three years. Wow. Some days, it seems as though I’ve only just started, and other times, MOST times, in fact, it’s hard to remember life without blogging. It’s become an extension of me.

Have you ever wondered how many people have saved their own sanity by ‘letting it all out’ in a blog, instead of taking it all out on a person? I know of one.

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