Spelling Is Important.

I’ve been trying to read a student’s essay.  It seems to be about an ‘imported job’ that she got last year.  As I read through it, I couldn’t figure out why she thought this job was imported, and from where.  But all through the essay, she kept mentioning her imported job, and how hard she was trying to keep it, and do well, because it was imported, and people depended on her, and how if her job hadn’t been imported it wouldn’t have been so special.  People would die if her job hadn’t been imported.  I kept trying to understand, and I didn’t understand.  Why would her job as a nursing home aide be imported?.
When I got to the end, I finally ‘got it.’ 
She was talking about her IMPORTANT job. 
But the word she used was ‘imported,’  and all through the essay, too.
I had to take off a few points for that.
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