Brak Didn't Show, But The Concert Rocked Anyway

We’re baaaaaack.

Chieftains concert: FANTASTIC!

People who brought a toddler to this concert and refused to remove him when he started to babble and coo and laugh and whine: I hate you. Everyone in the sold-out concert hall hates you. I never actually saw you, but I heard your child, and I hate you. I don’t blame you for trying; I am a firm believer in making concert-lovers out of children, starting at an early age, but when the kid gets loud, REMOVE HIM IMMEDIATELY. This goes for movies, church, and any public function.

Did I mention that this concert was fantastic? I’ve been a Chieftains fan for many years, and they just get better and better.

The step-dancing violinist and his brother? Holy scheisse, I needed a cold shower in the middle of the concert more than I needed one at any point during menopause. And not for the same reason, either. Hub tells me that the female violinist/dancer was good, but I really didn’t notice. I remember that she wore a beautiful red dress, but beyond that, well, my attention was elsewhere.

Thank you, dear Belle, for the awesome birthday gift. You are a wonderful daughter. May I add that you never, ever, EVER acted up at a concert or play, even when you were a toddler? You often fell asleep, but you never did anything that might have disturbed anyone. And neither did your brother.

Both of my children are concert lovers. (all kinds of concerts.) Both of my children attend plays and musicals and operas every chance they get. Both of my children encourage their friends to attend, too.

I take great comfort in knowing that I did SOMETHING right.

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