Probably Because I'm Inherently Lazy.

I hate mail-in rebates.  Why can’t they just give you the discount at the store?  I refuse to buy something if I have to mail in a whole pile of numbers and papers and stuff to get the rebate.
But a store that offers me a comparable discount right there, no hassle on my part?  That’s the store that will get my business.
Are you listening, Best Buy?  All those electronics stores with all the supposed computer ‘deals’ that make you work to get your discount?  Those stores that advertise cheap electronics and then, when you get there, you find out you have to mail a bunch of stuff in to get your discount?  And you have to pay full price there at the store?  That is NOT a sale.  Pooh on you all.
I’d rather drive a hundred miles to Fry’s and get the discount right there.  Besides, once on that side of Indy, I can have lunch at Ruby Tuesday’s, and I can call my Tumorless Sister to meet me there..
Also, what moron designed a clothes dryer with a side-opening door?  When I needed to buy a dryer RIGHT THEN, there wasn’t a single appliance company with a pull-down dryer door that year except Sears, and HAH, like I’d buy anything expensive there, again.  I learned my lesson about that store, and it was an expensive lesson.
I had to get a dryer with a side-opening door, and when I open that door, the clean clothes fall on the floor.  Stupid, stupid design.
I’m whiny and cold, and I’m poor company for myself.  Why don’t YOU come on over?  I’ve got cookies.  I’ve got lots of orange juice because I bought a lot today before the prices went up.  I’LL SHARE MY DIET COKE WITH YOU . . . .
No greater love.
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