Shameless Plug for my New Gig

Thanks to my internet mentor, the fabulous Genuine, * I have picked up a writing gig! One by One Media has entrusted me to write the blog for a business called Freight and Shipping, Inc., and before you giggle at that, let me tell you something: this is the most fantastic business of its kind that I’ve heard of, ever, period.

I just got off the phone with Eric, the brains behind this business, and I have never learned so much about something I knew so little about, in such a short time, in all my life. Talk about education being all around us! I have had so much fascinating information poured into my lap, I hardly know where to begin to tell you about it. This guy knows his stuff, every detail of his stuff.

On second thought, I think you should just CLICK on over to the blog and find out for yourselves.

I will tell you this, though, if I had known about Freight and Shipping, Inc. BEFORE I mailed all those packages via UPS, I would have used Freight and Shipping, Inc. If I had, all those packages would have been delivered before Christmas, that’s for sure. None of them would be lost, either. I’m not saying that because I write for them now; you all know me better than that. Eric’s whole business set-up is customer-based, and unlike most big shipping companies, he welcomes first-timers with open arms and an incredible shipload of discounts. I firmly believe that a promise from Freight and Shipping, Inc. would be kept. I can’t say the same for UPS, unfortunately. (If UPS told me it was raining, I would have to get up and go look out the window for myself. I would trust them with nothing, now.)

Anyway, if any of you has something large, heavy, or oddly-shaped that you need to move, a full truckload or just a few things, give Freight and Shipping, Inc. a call. The numbers and the links are all on the blog. I’m telling you, this business will undersell and out-perform any other similar business, anywhere, every single time. Not just by a little bit, either. By a LOT. By so much, you won’t believe it ’till you see it with your own eyes. We’re talking HUNDREDS here. . . .THOUSANDS!!!

Check it out.

*How many of us has Genuine helped? Isn’t he amazing? I am so grateful to him! Thank you, Jim. What would the internet do without Genuine?

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