Middle-of-the-Night Random Playlist and Odd Jobs

I go back to school tomorrow. I’m ready.

Well, actually, I’ll BE ready by the time it’s time, tomorrow. Right now, I’m sorting papers, putting textbooks in neat little tall crooked stacks, combing the house for a red pen, and trying to organize five different curriculums. Curriculi? Curriculums.

Broccolum? Broccoli?

Is it time to go to class yet?

Oh, and while I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I’ve been listening to a random playlist, courtesy My Hard Drive.

1. Ben Folds & Rufus Wainwright – Careless Whispers
2. Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos – Hosanna Filio David (Antiphonal, Modo VII)
3. Steve Conte – Could You Bite The Hand
4. Eric Schoon – A Song For Emma
5. Yves Montand – La Vie En Rose
6. Justin Timberlake – Sexy Back
7. Elliott Smith – Needle in the Hay
8. Mandy Patinkin – And The Band Played On
9. Desmond Dekker – Ah It Mek
10. Tragically Hip – My Music At Work
11. Jessi Colter – I’m Not Lisa
12. Four Horsemen – Aphrodite’s Child
13. Bryan Ferry – Dance With Life (The Brilliant Light)
14. Yuko Sasaki – Love in the Cradle
15. Whitesnake – In The Still of the Night
16. Alicia Keyes – Karma
17. Talking Heads – Burning Down The House
18. Barnes and Barnes – Fish Heads
19. Matt Wertz – Lonely Tonight
20. Tears For Fears & Julian Lennon – Stand By Me

AND, I’m eating raw lemons, loading the dishwasher, watching “Toy Story,” scrubbing toilets, trying to get the stupid sliding closet doors’ little track thingy back in the track (yes, plural; when one goes they all go; I think they’re in a union or otherwise in some kind of cahoots) doing some writing, and getting five different syllabi up-to-date. Not necessarily in that order, and with a lot of hand-washing in between.

Syllabus. Syllabi. Omnibus. Omnibi?

I do love me our quirky language.

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