Hit Me Baby, One More Time

We just got back from doing a little last-minute shopping in Indianapolis, and all I have to say is, where were all the people? The big malls and stores were practically deserted! We stopped at the big outlet in Edinburgh on the way home and ditto.

It was still pouring down rain this morning when we started out, but in the middle of the day, the rain stopped, the sky turned robin’s-egg-blue, and the sun came blazing out. The puddles were STEAMING!

Indiana weather is always bizarre but this December is really weird. It’s been more like April.

Anyway. I finished up nicely and have a few more things to giftwrap (Yay, I love that!) and when those are put under the tree, I will be done.

The thing is, I don’t like to be ‘done.’ The planning and list-making and giftwrapping and anticipation are what I love best The two weeks BEFORE Christmas are the best time, the BEST TIME, better than any day all the rest of the year. There’s not much anticipation time left, and I am (yes, I know it’s foolish) already starting to feel the letdown. It’s not even happened yet, but it’s so close, I’m already let down.

Please come over and smack me up the side of the head and remind me that it isn’t over yet. Would someone do that for me, please? Thanks. I needed that.

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