I Can Quit Any Time.

Yahoo Messenger won’t work for me tonight.  I’ve got messages on my cell phone but since I don’t have service out here in the boondocks, I can’t access them.  It’s pouring down rain so I really don’t want to go outside, get in the car, and drive to the end of the driveway by the road, so I can access my cell.  If YM doesn’t start working soon, I may have to do that, though.  If anyone needs to talk to me, feel free to just call my home phone.  I’m home and I’m not going anywhere tonight.
Please, internets, come back in full force.
I’m not addicted to my computer, honest I’m not. . . .
 Dear Colorado and Washington friends, I hope you are all fully stocked with toilet paper, milk, bread, Kraft cheese, batteries, and cereal, although if you’re low on food, you might not need quite so much TP.  May your supply of board games hold, in case your power goes out, or goes out again, as the case may be.  Round up all the flashlights in the house and put them where you can easily find them if the house goes suddenly dark.  Pick the Legos up from the floor; they hurt when they’re stepped on with bare feet in the dark.  Keep warm, and hope that UPS truck is able to make its appointed rounds soon.
Come ON, Yahoo Messenger.  Why won’t you let me sign in?  Please?  Pretty please?
All I can do is keep on trying.  But I’m NOT addicted.  I really NEED to access it.
By the way, if any one of you can solve the mystery of why none of the cell phones I’ve ever had, with any company, will work in this house whereas everybody else’s phones work fine, I’d love to know, because it beats the heck out of me.
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