"This is the one where Santa teaches all the dollies to say Ma-Ma!"


Someone took me up on my plea for company!

Look at this beautiful child; isn’t he precious? I got to play with Ezra all weekend, so now you know where I’ve been, in case anyone missed me, which probably nobody did, but in case you did, I was busy playing. Playing, and watching “A Walt Disney Christmas.” Possibly eleven or twelve times. (“This is the one where Donald Duck is mean to the little ducks. . . .”) This child is so smart, and so loving, and so caring. He had the movie memorized after about three showings and after that we recited along with it, together. Lovely manners, this kid has.

Oh, and that drum he’s playing? I watched the artist create it. He sat Indian style, on the sidewalk, in the very heart of Hippiedom on Kirkwood Avenue, in the midst of dozens of seventies’ designers and crafters of jewelry, macrame, incense burners, recorders (the flute kind), gauze shirts, roach pipes novelties, leather shoes and clothing, and everything in the world that could be scented with patchouli or sandelwood.

It was 1972. It was $35.00. Pay attention to your pronouns’ antecedents. (The apostrophe goes after the ‘s’ because ‘pronouns’ already ended in ‘s.’)

In all, I think all the musical instruments were sampled and/or played with familial expertise. (That’s ‘familial’ and not ‘familiar.’) We put fresh batteries in all the keyboards and everything.

Because, you see, this family, we traditionally GET DOWWWWN.

If you hit the drum juuust right, you can play the theme song from ‘Tailspin.’


As for the moose, Ezra decided that his name was George, and George went home with Ezra. When you visit, I’ll give your child a moose, too. I’ve still got about a dozen of them; they were mascots for my homeroom back in the public school classroom. They sit in a long row in the guest room. Your child may have his/her choice; there are no two alike and they’re all cute.

Anyway, that’s what I’ve been doing this weekend. It’s been wonderful. WONDERFUL. Ezra and his parents (I love you, Matt and Liz. . . .) brought great joy to my life. Thank you for your visit.

The cat loves it when we have company, for two main reasons. Reason One, there are more people to pet and scritch him and cater to his every whim except the one where he thinks he’s going to stay in the house all night, and Reason Two, the house smells like bacon all day and the cat is bonkers with ecstasy.

Unexpected company: one of my favorite things. I’m still smiling.

So then. When are YOU coming over?

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