I Wanna Be The One To Walk In The Sun

The new Carnival of Education is up; please click HERE and read about the state of education in our nation. Remember, if you don’t keep current, you forfeit your right to whine. Read, and comment. Let these educators know that you are listening. (Thank you.)

I have been soaking wet almost all day. It’s been pouring rain, and as I do not believe in umbrellas (they simply do not exist!!) the trip from house to car and from car to school and from school to car, carrying a heavy briefcase and a big clunky ugly purse, drenched me.

I taught all day, shivering and wet.

Even so, it was better than dealing with an umbrella. I hate those things.

And when the working day was done, this girl, she wanna have fu-un. So I met some friends at Grecco’s and we had such a good time, talking and laughing and snarfing down the five-buck all-you-can-eat pizza (each one freshly made and brought to your table!) that it wasn’t until almost three hours later that we finally left. Thank you, dear Scott and Joel, for a lovely evening. I needed that. I hope you had as much fun as I did. Do you suppose there is anyone in this town we DIDN’T see in the restaurant tonight?

And now it is my favorite night of the week, and my favorite time of that night. I don’t have to get up early in the morning, and here I sit with some time to think and write and talk to people.

I have two finals to write this weekend but it’s not the weekend yet. I also have a stack of essays to grade but all my ‘stuff’ is out in the car and it’s dark out there. If I go out there now, something might git me.

You know, a feral bunny or a rabid doggie or a desperate chipmunk or a frantic squirrel or maybe one of those big wolves that have been spotted in the area. Actually, I would LOVE to see one of those, but I’d rather see it in the daytime.

I’m taking no chances; the school stuff stays in the car till later.

Is there anything better than good friends? I really don’t think there is.

I know I love mine. (that would be most of you, by the way.)

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