I had some time to kill after class today so I did a little shopping and a little looking. More of the one than of the other, and you can probably guess which one that was. Target was its usual cool self, full of babies and old people at that hour of the afternoon. Marsh was nearly empty; perhaps I’ve found the ideal time to shop there.
I even walked down the mall a bit, and checked out a few stores to see what all the fashionable people will be wearing this summer. I am still wearing what the fashionable person was wearing nine or ten summers ago, as discarded by my daughter, but sometimes it’s fun to see the styles.
I saw. Excuse me for a moment while I scream and throw up a little on my shoetops.
I’m sorry, and I don’t mean to be hateful, but there are some styles that were never meant to be worn by certain types of bodies.
Daisy Dukes, size 26.
Nuh uh.
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