I liked Adam next, and Little Joe least of all.

Today, after class, was Official Plagiarism Confrontation Day in the boss’s office.  Since we had the copied website in hand, there really wasn’t much of a defense, but there was an attempt.  It was sad, to be honest.  Sad, and a little creepy, and stressful beyond belief, and, well, sad.  I’m glad it’s over.  The next phase is completely out of my hands, and I’m glad.  The boss’s boss will take care of it.
Speaking of my boss, I adore her.  She is the BEST BOSS ever.  She’s fair and smart and reasonable and funny and supportive.  Coming from the public schools, I am not used to any of those qualities in a boss.  I really have two bosses, because I teach on two campuses (for the same college) and both of my bosses are wonderful.
I love my boss.  And now I feel a song coming on. (Just substitute feminine pronouns for the masculine ones.) (And the part about the gun?  Forget that, too.)  (I always did like Hoss best.)
I love my boss
He isn’t full of fluff and gloss
He gives me work and many chores to do
My model, like Ben Cartwright to Hoss

And though he pays me minimum wage
It’s all I deserve at this stage
Some union hack said I should ask for more
I answered with suitable rage

I love my boss
I love my boss
I love my boss
I love my boss

One day I came to work too late
I’d had a Früvous luncheon date
My boss he summoned me to speak with him
I sweated, awaiting my fate
He said “you’re done!”
He chased me two blocks with a gun
But my dear boss let me apologize
In hindsite, there wasn’t a gun.

He’s going out now with my sister
They go real heavy on the sauce
I’d like to tell him watch out mister
But he’s the boss
My friends they say that I am clinging
Ask why I’m carrying this cross
Who knows what club-med will be bringing
From dear old boss


Bosses through the ages prove
They’re the ones who make it move
Bewitched would have an empty plate
If it weren’t for Larry Tate
Clark Kent reached the highest height
With the help of Perry White
And if we may be retrograde
Speak the name Reuben Kincaid

Now the other workers all say “Wow!”
When I roll over and I shake a paw
My boss is my brother-in-law

I love my boss
I love my boss
I love my boss
I love my boss

Next week I have to give Mid-Term exams.  I reviewed today using last year’s midterm exam.  Afterwards, when I compared them, I realized that the old exam looks, um, very much like the new exam.  Whoops.  Well, maybe I’ll have some good high grades to record.  Whatta you bet hardly any of the students even notice the similarities?  I also had a lot of absent students today.  Boy, did they pick the wrong class to skip.
And yes, I’m shaking with reaction, because I am not good with confrontation.  No, not good at all. 

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