Hey, Mother Nature! Heads up!

It’s almost midnight and a really bad thunderstorm is raging. The winds are over sixty MPH, and the howling is incredible. The wind is making “powerful tubular formations” in the sky. Um, isn’t that a pretty good description of a tornado? Tell me ‘no.’ I am very very afraid of tornadoes.

Tomorrow, the forecast is COLD, way below freezing cold.

At eight thirty tonight, it was 65 degrees. It’s still unseasonably warm, even with the high winds. And tomorrow it will be winter again.

To quote the old man in ‘Moonstruck:’ “I’m confuuuuused.”

Frankly, I think Mother Nature is PMS-ing. Either that, or the old gal is Alzheimerish and can’t remember what she’s supposed to be doing with the weather from hour to hour.

I just hope she takes care of those ‘powerful tubular formations’ before I hear a train in my woods again.

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