Did you ever have one of these days? You didn’t? Liar.

Did you ever think you’d miss them? You don’t? Well, what do YOU know. . . .

I’ve had plenty of these days. I thought my whole life would be spent like this.


It really doesn’t last very long, friends. It all goes by so fast, we can’t even measure it. At the time, it seems to stand still, and we’ll be knee-keep in vomit and diarrhea and toys and dirty dishes and Disney videos and ear infections and whining forever. Forever. FOREVER, AAAAAAAAAAAAGH.

And then one day you realize that your house is very quiet. Very, very quiet. And you can’t stand it.

Oh, you don’t wish your kids back, because they’re grown up and happy, but you do wish you hadn’t wasted so much of their enchanted childhood on wishing it away.

Time stands still when things are at an extreme. Good extremes, bad extremes. Most of life, however, isn’t an extreme, it’s just a steady flow forward. Forward to where? Forward to what? We don’t know. We just have to go with the flow and wait.

It’s Einsteinian. Our kids become more and more of a miracle as time unfolds, and time unfolds according to what’s happenin’. Or so it seems, anyway.

And yes, that Mother’s Curse really does work. I plan to use it some day, myself.

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

Creative Commons License
Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.