It's cold and I'm easy.

Yesterday it was warm and I blogged about crocuses and apple blossoms. Today, it’s cold and we’ve got about two inches of snow.

It’s beautiful. I’d take a picture and show you the view from the back of my house, but we threw the trash out on the deck last night and I doubt that any of you really wants to see a mountain of snow-covered trash bags, even if the background IS a grove of beautiful snowy trees. Although it would be different, I guess. Update: Here’s the view from the living room window.

If I were energetic I would shovel the snow off the deck so the wood wouldn’t rot as fast and so the cat could make his way to his dish more easily. However, I’m not energetic even on a good day and I think the little catprints in the snow are pretty. Besides, I like to fill the cat’s dish when he’s dozing on the swing, because when he hears the CheapieCatChunks hitting the bowl, he stands up in the swing, gets it going, and leaps out like a child at the park. Sometimes, it’s the highlight of my day. Hey, I lead an exciting life.

The cat knows he has to hurry to his dish, because if he doesn’t, he’ll have to fight the crowd of neighbor cats and birds, who also love CheapieCatChunks. Sometimes I think I’m feeding all the cats in the county. Other times, I know I am.

But that’s okay. As long as they snuggle on me, I’ll feed them. I’ve always been easy that way.

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