I's Wuthless.

A few hours ago it was still Saturday, and I didn’t do a darn thing, productivity-wise, all day.

I didn’t grade any papers, and I didn’t do any laundry, and I didn’t do any cleaning. I didn’t even get dressed till after noon. I’ve been worthless, that’s what, absolutely worthless. I visited with my visiting kids for a while, toasted a few cheese sandwiches for Belle and me, and made a big pot of chili for Hub and Zappa, but I spent the better part of the day watching old movies, reading a novel, and reading blogs. I took some time out to kick myself in the mentals for losing my temper and tilting at windmills the other day, but mostly, the day was spent goofing off and being disgracefully and wonderfully lazy. Lazy, lazier, and laziest.

It was awesome.

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