Gone in sixty seconds: not the movie.

You know all those mp3 files I had on my hard drive? They’re gone.

I opened my music file last night and it had maybe ten songs in it. Ten. That means I’ve lost over eight thousand songs.

Where did they go? What happened?

I did a whole-computer search and nothing. They’re gone.

And, when I turned on my computer this morning, it went into that “security breach mode” and did the NTFS Presario consistency check.

I’ve been hijacked before, and terrible things happened. Not again. I can’t do this again. What kind of virus, etc, would delete music files? Nobody uses this computer but me, and occasionally Belle when she’s home.

I haven’t checked my test files yet, or anything else. I’m in shock.

If you’ll excuse me for a while, I’ll just dash into the shower and scream.

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