Quick Mood Change Artists, Inc.

I’m tired of being in a bad mood. I think I’ll buy a vowel new personality.

And just in the nick of time, too. Tomorrow is the first day of the new semester, and a teacher in a bad mood is bad news. I’ve had my share of those, and I don’t intend to BE one.

Tomorrow, it begins all over again. Tomorrow, I will again speak like this:

brother My Jack bought pizza a large pepperoni for Jill his girlfriend hungry who was late sometimes a bit little but who was worth well waiting for.

I love it. I mean, I absolutely love my job.

I’ll be teaching six classes: three of one and one each of the others. Two of the classes, I’ve never taught before, so I’m a little nervous. I am looking forward to meeting my new students, too.

I am actually very shy, and it takes me a few sessions to warm up to a new group sometimes.

But my syllabi are ready. Ready to be disregarded, but we won’t tell anybody that. I cover all the required material and then some, but I do it my own way. I always have. My immediate superior is a lovely intelligent creative person who gives us pretty much carte blanche as long as we follow the rules and cover the material. Too bad public school administrators aren’t like that.

Riddle: What’s the difference between a crooked used car salesman, a sleazy lawyer, a politician on the dole, a leech, a parasite, a loud sucking noise, and a public school superintendent? (The answer is at the bottom of this post.)

So now, even though it’s not midnight yet, I am going to call it a night and fold some laundry and go to bed. I have to get up at six, and I’m not used to that after being on vacation.

Good night, my dears. Sleep tight. And if the bedbugs bite, well, don’t vote them into power next time.

Answer to the riddle: nothing.

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