Possession. The Demonic kind.

My comments are freaking out. Why are comments showing up on both Blogger and Haloscan ? Did lightning strike my computer? How do I fix this? Why is it always me? When will it end? Why is there air? (Never mind, Bill Cosby already explained that last one.)

I’m going back to the kitchen and eat leftover cocktail meatballs and fudge. And watch grownup movies like “The Princess Diaries.” And turn the volume up real high so I can hear it over the dishwasher.

And then I’ll go downstairs and fold towels. And then. . ..

Oh, enough already. You’re all envious enough of my exciting life.

It wouldn’t be fair if I told you that tomorrow I’m driving up to the college to XEROX PAPERS. Because you would be so jealous if you knew that.

So I won’t tell. I’ll just drop hints about reproduction and messy substances and you’ll assume I’m talking about something else.

Why, what were YOU thinking?


Possession. The Demonic kind. — 2 Comments

  1. Oddly enough, Princess Diaries is something of an adult movie. One of my students last year plotted the Hero Journey (acc. to Joseph Campbell) from it. Needless to say, I was impressed.

  2. Oddly enough, Princess Diaries is something of an adult movie. One of my students last year plotted the Hero Journey (acc. to Joseph Campbell) from it. Needless to say, I was impressed.

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