My stash.

Chili powder and cinnamon are the same color. And as I purchased them both from Sam’s Club, they are both housed in large identical containers. And since they are both housed in large identical containers, they are stored on the same shelf in the spice door of my pantry. And since I am all about the feng shui,** even inside my pantry, these two identical enormous containers are side-by-side.

Sometimes, it’s darkish in there, and it’s hard to read the labels. Sometimes, I’m in a hurry, and I open the pantry door, peruse the spice door, and grab things according to color or consistency or container size.

Usually, the aroma from the opened container saves the day. The aroma has prevented me from putting chili powder in banana bread. The aroma has prevented me from putting cinnamon in sloppy joes.

I have a cold.

Shhh, don’t tell anybody, but there’s an entire unbaked homemade pecan roll stuffed inside an empty milk bottle in the kitchen trash. I’m not telling you why. It’s a secret.

**Those of you who have been to my house: stop laughing right this minute!

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