
So. I was having lunch at Grecco’s with my friend Scotty, when the door opened and my MIL walked in with some of her co-workers.

I can’t think about it without laughing out loud. It was one of the funnest moments of my life.

Scotty’s a really nice-looking man, and he was ‘specially dolled up that day because he’d been to a business interview.

There we were eating deep-dish pizza, talking about blogging, mutual friends, personal friends we each think the other SHOULD get to know, drinking diet Coke after diet Coke after diet Coke, and laughing, comparing stories and circumstances, recommending blogs to each other, and eating some more and then ordering some more diet Cokes, and laughing some more and, and, and. . . . it looked for all the world like a DATE.

Well, it was. A lunch date between two friends.

My sweet MIL is a newspaper reporter, and so were all her co-workers. THEY all came over to talk to us, but she didn’t. I don’t think she was being deliberately unfriendly; I think she was in shock. I haven’t talked to her since, but Hub and I can’t stop laughing about it.

It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. We were there about three hours, and would probably still be there if Grecco’s had a public restroom. But when you take into account the fact that our waitress might as well have just run a hose from the coke machine to our table. . . . .

Did I say that Scotty was a nice-looking man? Heck, this guy is HOT. But I can’t say that on my blog because it might embarass him.

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