I love my job.

“To me, education is something that up until a couple of years ago didn’t mean that much. I finally realized that education is something that shapes and defines our lives and our future. Without a decent education, it is almost impossible to get a good job; you might as well just look forward to flipping burgers or work in a factory for the rest of your life. Without a college degree, you can only make it so far in life.

When I was in high school, I never even considered going to college. I couldn’t wait to quit high school and have fun. The years passed by and all I had to show for my life was a long line of dead-end jobs and no money. I wanted more education. I wanted to be able to get a better job. I wanted more money. I wanted to understand what they were talking about on the daily news. I wanted to be able to answer my kids’ questions about things. I wanted to be able to help my kids with their homework.

I began to wonder what I might be interested in studying. I thought about what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted a career, something I could do that I might really like and be able to make a living from. It had finally occurred to me that getting an education was important; that hadn’t occurred to me before.

I recently enrolled at xxx xxxx Community College. I decided to go for an associates degree in Office Administration. I now find education to be important and personally rewarding. I learn new things every day, and I want to learn more. I never want to stop learning. And I want my kids to learn new things every day, too. Maybe with their mom in school, they’ll start earlier than I did, and that would be great.”


This is why I love my job so much. This is why I do it. This more than makes up for the few slackers I have to deal with. This makes it all worthwhile.

I really do love my job.

Honestly, I think there are more of this kind of people than the other kind. We’re just so busy trying to accommodate and deal with the other kind to pay much attention to this kind. That’s a shame.

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