Thanks for the tag, Scotty.

My friend Scotty tagged me, so here it is.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?

I had two kids in high school and was busy every weekend hosting slumber parties and sleepovers and band hootnannies, and cooking suppers for the marching band, and chaperoning field trips for the band, and selling concessions for the band, and sitting parked in the school parking lot for hours and hours waiting for the band to return from something, and teaching middle school and loving it, and taking students to dinner theatres and live plays, and chairing committees and writing speeches for administrators and thinking up mottoes for various and sundry school things, and transporting a van full of teens to Broadway musicals all over the southern part of the state and the northern part of Kentucky, and being a Band Booster officer, and taking students to Academic Competitions, and setting up spelling bees, and tons of other activities, some of which my mind has deleted for reasons of self-preservation.

2. What were you doing 1 year ago?

I had just finished up the first semester of my new job, I was missing my two kids who had grown up and moved out a few years previous, I was getting ready to host a big family Christmas party, I was making some wonderful new friends, and I was just beginning to be happy again.

3. Five snacks you enjoy:

A. Hostess cupcakes
B. pecan-studded brownie batter
C. lemons
D. Green seedless grapes, blueberries, Granny Smith apples, and red plums.

4. Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:

I know the lyrics to a million zillion songs.

5. Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

A. I’d give half the money away to various charities, as long as they did not come begging to my door.

B. I would establish four-year full scholarships, including books, pizza, and spending money, to 50 average, extremely well-behaved, musical students of my choice, every year. No preps, snobs, already-rich, or mean students need apply. Scholarship instantly revoked if parent ever complains about any of it.

C. I would put some in an account for each of my kids, and allow them to live on the interest AS LONG AS they were gainfully employed.

D. I would see that my mother and MIL (no strings) and all my relatives and friends lived in comfort for the rest of their lives, AS LONG AS they were gainfully employed.

E. I would surprise people with anonymous cash gifts all the time.

Five bad habits:

A. Blogging at work.
B. Not enough exercise.
C. Eating junk food.
D. Being too naive and probably too trusting for my age.
E. Letting the clutter build up here and there and everywhere

6. Five Things You Like Doing:

A. Baking and Cooking.
B. Listening to and sharing music.
C. Hanging out with friends.
D. Eating (unfortunately)
E. Blogging (and all kinds of writing, chatting, and computer activity)

7. Five things you would never wear again:

A. Denim string bikini
B. Platform thongs (the shoes, not the underwear.) (Not the underwear, either. )
C. Short shorts
D. Fishnet stockings (shut up.)
E. Halters

8. Five favorite toys:

A. Computer
B. Stereo
C. Nintendo
D. Oven (Hey, I play with it and have fun! That’s what a toy is!)
E. Piano

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