Jane's Diner: Open 24 hours.

I absolutely love Steak and Shake. I’d eat there every other day if I could afford it.

I absolutely love Grecco’s Pizza. I’d eat there every other day if I could afford it.

If I could afford it, you would know where to find me every day.

That’s lunch.

Now, for dinner:

I absolutely love the Texas Road House. I’d eat there every other day if I could afford it.

And all the other places I absolutely love? I’d fit them in there somewhere. I would take turns with them so none would feel left out.

I love to eat out.

Heck, those of you who know me personally know that I love to eat, period. Sigh.

Oh my gosh, Christmas is coming! I love these anticipatory days.

Does anybody else think “prebuttal” is a really stupid word?

And in case anybody was wondering. . . . when a human resources person calls a teacher concerning a reference for a possible employee, they don’t ask about grades first. They ask about attendance first. They ask about citizenship second. And if those two are satisfactory, they ask about grades. Just so you know, slacker-boy.

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