Kitchen artistry: Hustler version.

Oh yessss, my precioussssss, we have SNOW! I was frankly surprised, because I’d just been to the grocery store and we have plenty of milk, bread, Kraft cheese, and toilet paper. Usually the snow misses us, when I’m stocked up.

But it’s so pretty. I love how it reflects the Christmas tree lights. . . . .

Hub’s school sent the students home at noon yesterday, and he drove me up to the city for my night class last night. He had a snow day today, so he drove me up for my long day and I didn’t have to worry about trying to see the signs and the lines and the icy patches and “it” coming at me. I really can’t see very well. And nobody wants to see “it” coming atcha.

So. When we’re snowed in I always get the baking urge. The deeper the snow, the fancier I get with it. Unfortunately, I am NO artist, even with bread dough, and my creations, when they rise, almost always turn into something other than what I intended.

In other words, the beautiful buttery cinnamon-streaked yeast concoction that looked like a symmetrical Christmas wreath when I laid it out on the big pizza pan, turned into, um, something else when it rose. I promised sweet Lu a picture of this one but I was too late. Sorry. Next time, sweetie.

Update: Hub brought it in from the back seat of the car. I’m taking it to a party that was supposed to be tonight but it got re-scheduled because of the snow.

I’ll try to shoot it at an angle that makes it look less like something that would be hanging around in back seats. . . . .

It never fails. Oh, I give them away anyway, but my friends probably think I specialize in perverted pastry.

Sheesh, give a friend a huge yeast roll shaped like a vagina a few years in a row and the first thing you know, they come to expect it. It was supposed to be a WREATH!!!!! This one looks more like a wreath than last year’s, for sure. Especially after I maneuvered it around a bit. Last year, you didn’t even have to use your imagination. It looked like an illustration from “Gynocologist Weekly.”

I’m not going to tell you what my attempts to fashion a big cinnamon candy cane looked like after it rose.

I’ll give you a hint, though. It ‘rose.’

Every year I think I’ve predicted how it will look when it rises and every year I goof it up again.

Maybe next time I’ll TRY to be pervy with the yeast dough, and it’ll just look festive.

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