Rolling, rolling, rolling. . . . .

When I make yeast rolls for a big crowd, I like to bake them in pizza pans of different sizes. When they cool, I slide the smaller batches off their pans and stack them in their graduated sizes. That way, I only have one package to carry to the reunion, party, etc, one pan to remember to bring home, and what is really just a round pile of rolls looks like a wedding cake, and people think it took effort.

And they ooh and ah over it, and tell me how beautiful it is, and how they just couldn’t do that because it looks so hard.

Jeepers. Lazy people like me have all kinds of little tricks like that.

It’s kind of funny that this little quirk of mine gets so much attention, when it’s really just a lazy old chick’s idea of easy pitch-in contribution.

The dough is rising as I type. If Hub gets back from his regularly scheduled Saturday morning auction in time, with his camera that never leaves his side so I seldom get to use it, I’ll take a picture before we leave for the absolutely humongous family reunion my cousin Sally is hosting today. I’m looking forward to it. I have so many cousins, both older and younger than I, that I wouldn’t recognize some of them if I met them on the street, and that is not a good thing.

Everyone needs more family reunions.

Unless you’re part of the Manson family, of course.

Here they are. Yes, it was a big reunion.

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