Patriside asks, I obey.

Jim over at Patriside tagged me for a meme, too, and as his wish is my command, here it is.

Five things people might not know about me:

1. I am a card shark.
2. I am a crackerjack shot with a 22 rifle.
3. I consume at least a dozen raw lemons every week.
4. I am the Queen of Old School Nintendo. I can rescue a princess in less than ten minutes. I can find the GOOD Bubble Bobble ending and defeat the final creature all by myself. I won Zelda with the wooden sword.
5. I can’t just sit and watch a movie without doing something else as well. I feel guilty whenever I go to the theater because there, I can’t cook, bake, read, clean, or sew while I watch. This makes my daughter crazy, but it’s how I honestly enjoy a movie the most.

My list isn’t nearly as interesting as Jim’s, but I can’t be TOO revealing because my kids read this blog, and I don’t want to horrify them into a catatonic state.

But, you know. Tee hee.

Part deux of his challenge:

1. Go into your archives.2. Find your 23rd post.3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.5. Tag five other people to do the same thing

Okay. Here it is:

“You could be the only person who listens.”

I’m tagging these beloveds for both memes, because my enquiring mind wants to know.


(That’s six, but I’ve never been good at following directions.)

Don’t feel obligated, but if you do, I’ll put you in my will.

Yeah, you can inherit my incredible load of debt. Or, I might hit the lottery and you can have some of that.

Thanks, Jim. I like memes. It makes me feel as though someone cares what I think. Imagine.


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